Welcome to the "Haunted Tennessee" page of our site. Here you can find our list of "haunted" locations throughout Tennessee.


Most of the locations on the list requires permission before investigating or visiting. Many of the Locations are patrolled by the authorities. Odds are if you are caught trespassing, you will be prosecuted.


Adams TN (John bell farm)

The Bell family farm is said to be the home of a horrible spirit, known only as the "bell witch". It's said that the old witch put a curse on Mr. Bell and his family. The curse is believed to be the cause of his death.
Alcoa TN ( the house made of stone) Millennium Manor
It is said to be haunted by an old man who built on the home for over 45yrs. He and his wife believed that as long as they kept on working on the stone house that they would never die. His wife died first and he just said that she lost her faith. He died about 20 yrs later but you can still see candlelight and hear him building on the house even during the day.
Dover TN (Bellwood Mansion)

The Bellwood Mansion is located in Dover, Tennessee. The mansion is now vacant, and it is located in the middle of the woods. Even though it is not vacated by humans, spirits seem to occupy the halls of this chilling site. Ghosts are said to haunt the mansion, but there have also been reports of the mansion being the site of satanic rituals and witchcraft, which in that case would bring a ton of spirits to the site by that reason alone. If anyone has ever gone to the mansion, you will notice that it is fenced off. Has anyone been brave enough to venture past this fence and into a realm of the unknown?

Bristol TN (Arnett house)


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Disturbed by some kind of disgruntled spirit. Loud, very clear sounds of someone walking around are heard in both the day and the night. The house is said to have a very unnatural influence on many people. There have been reported sounds of guns being fired in the backyard, but no one being present. Also very faint whispers have been heard when being alone in the house.


Bristol TN (Train Trussel Bridge)

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The Ku Klux Klan used to be very active in this town, and they hung a "black" man off this bridge named Drummond. It is said every night at midnight he walks from one end of the bridge to the other. He then disappears and you can hear the rope swinging. we dare you to go at midnight, and walk across the bridge and back.


Chapel Hill TN (ghost light)

A long time ago a man was working for a railroad company. He was looking out the window to try and ascertain why the train was tilting, he fell off and was run over by the train, his head was cut off. He's still on the job. What he is doing is still trying to determine just what made the train tilt. All you can see is a mysterious light going back and forth a few feet above the ground. The light comes closer and closer then goes farther and farther away.


Franklin TN (Carton masion)

Here is a Historic mansion in Franklin TN called Carnton. It was used as a confederate hospital during the Civil War(battle of Franklin). Gun shots, rhythmic drum beats, voices, and running footsteps can be heard there any night. There have been recordings of sounds and pictures taken there by local investigators.


Franlin Tn (Carnton Plantatiaon Cemetery)


On one row on the right (where the soldiers are buried) lie the graves of twin brothers. One of them delights in tickling your ankles or trying to grab your ankle as you walk by the row where they're buried. This is not the little girl's spirit, but one of the soldiers.


Franklin TN (Carter House)

While Carnton Mansion was the site of the Civil War hospital, Carter House was the site where the Battle of Franklin actually happened. There have been reports of the Confederates being heard marching down the hill, of the eldest son of Mr. Carter being seen on the bed where he died after being wounded in the battle, of the wounded inside the house, and of the toddler son of Mr. Carter who was killed when he fell from the staircase.




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