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Posted by Martin Martin on Saturday, July 18, 2009, In : site related 
Well the title says it all. Now you can join the PARANORMAL TRIP group on facebook. whoopie!
while their you can get information about us you can only find on facebook. such as contest and much more...
the link to the page is coming soon tell then just search PARANORMAL T.R.I.P. under groups on facebook

thanks for your time... Cap'n

Also don't forget about our myspace group aswell. The link to that is located on the home page click here to get their.
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I am still working on it....

Posted by Martin Martin on Friday, June 5, 2009, In : site related 
 realize that it has been awhile since i last added anything new to the site. But don't you worry I will have new subjects and "purty little images" for you guys to gawk at. I'm still looking for some people to help with the site. trust me it's not easy running as this sh** by myself.

oh yeah if you havent joined the PARANORMAL TRIP group on MYSPACE please do... all the information you need should be on the home page.

also i'm having a small Contest...  for group members only. Pretty much you c...
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about me

the Cap'n I am the lead editor of this site. (that's all for now)

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