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                                                                    ghost information located below silly dance'n ghost


What is a Ghost?
    Well there two theories on what ghost actually are.  One of those theories are that, a ghost is a disembodied aura of a once living person, often linked to suicides, murders, and accident.
    Also some believe that ghost are simply just leftover energy from a once living person. They base this theory on the fact that "energy can neither be created nor destroyed."
although these two theories sound alike, they are two completely different studies.
the first one is based mainly on myth and religion. While the second is based on science.
What is a Haunting?
    A haunting is an event that happens over and over again for a period of time.  Most of the time occurring in a house or living structure. Sometimes happening in a car, or occurring around a curtain object.  most haunting are residual in nature and usually depicts an event in time, or time period. But residual haunting are not to be confused with a "poltergeist".  A poltergeist is a phenomena often associated with movement of objects, and strange audio/sounds. even is some rare cases they are know to start fires. think of it as a ghostly "temper fit".  "POLTERGEIST" is a German word meaning "noisy spirit".
for more info, chect out the detailed sections on the bottom.

What is a Orb?

 A Orb is a round ball of light, (semi transparent), thought to be spirit's souls. but some believe that they are a collection of energy that comes from the once living organism.  these little glowing balls or delight are often photographed, or so people think.  most of the orbs that are captured on film is dust particle caught in low light situations while filming or picture taking.  not to say that this phenomenon is not real.  It's just hard to prove.

What is a Vortex?

Vortexes are streaks, or lines that are often seen in photographs. Usually they are never seen when the picture is being taken. Although most of those photo's are easily debunked.  this is a list of simple why they well occur.

  • camera strap caught in view
  • finger caught in view
  • smoke in the setting
  • the photographer breath

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