Spank'n New!

Posted by Martin Martin on Wednesday, September 9, 2009 In : ghost 
Well to make things short we finally added the meat and taters to the site.... In english that means we finally have our "Haunted Tennesse" page. check it out by clicking here.

also i did get the email about the glicthes and bugs on the bigfoot page and the True Ghost stories page. so that with be under construction... Sorry :(

Oh yeah, if you the reader have any ideas for the page please e-mail me a

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Posted by Martin Martin on Saturday, July 18, 2009 In : site related 
Well the title says it all. Now you can join the PARANORMAL TRIP group on facebook. whoopie!
while their you can get information about us you can only find on facebook. such as contest and much more...
the link to the page is coming soon tell then just search PARANORMAL T.R.I.P. under groups on facebook

thanks for your time... Cap'n

Also don't forget about our myspace group aswell. The link to that is located on the home page click here to get their.
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please tell us!

Posted by Martin Martin on Saturday, July 18, 2009 In : ghost 
We have a new addition to our ghost section... READER SUBMITTED GHOST STORIES  it's where you the reader get to tell us your paranormal stories.. sounds cool huh? to check it out click the link hidden in the blog text...enjoy
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Posted by Martin Martin on Thursday, June 11, 2009
I just added a whole new page. "Myths and Monster" now you can find information about Bigfoot, Mothman, and Loch ness monster. And their's more to come! Also check out "Nessie Cam" located on the bottom for the loch ness page.

Dont worrie i'm still working on all the other new Sites.

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I am still working on it....

Posted by Martin Martin on Friday, June 5, 2009 In : site related 
 realize that it has been awhile since i last added anything new to the site. But don't you worry I will have new subjects and "purty little images" for you guys to gawk at. I'm still looking for some people to help with the site. trust me it's not easy running as this sh** by myself.

oh yeah if you havent joined the PARANORMAL TRIP group on MYSPACE please do... all the information you need should be on the home page.

also i'm having a small Contest...  for group members only. Pretty much you c...
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Help wanted!!

Posted by Martin Martin on Monday, April 27, 2009
Well ive been working on this site for awhile now.'s now time face the facts.... if i dont find writers this site will be doomed to be a small foot-note in the history if the internet.... (over dramatic
well if you are interested, just email me your ideas... Odds are i'll like em
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it's Back!!!

Posted by Martin Martin on Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Paranormal TRIP is back after some technical issues with our previous site provider.  The blog will be serve the same purpose as it did on the last site. This section is where you will find out about upcoming updates and added features.



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about me

the Cap'n I am the lead editor of this site. (that's all for now)

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